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VR Terras do Dão White

An acrobat not only requires impressive agility and stamina, but also trust in one another to create a seamless, spectacular performance. Understandably, blending five very different, but equally expressive, native grapes has provoked the acrobat in us. Floral, expressive and beautiful when paired with pan-roasted fish or seafood, its truly our acrobat wine.

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Region of Dão is completely surrounded by mountain range. Terras do Dão means Soils of Dao, and its thank to the poor soils of this region that the vines bring such a distinctive fruit. The terroir of Dão is made from granitic soils mixed with calcareous sediments, altitude of 400-500m, mix of continental and maritime climate and typical to the region indigenous grapes. All of those factors are unique and wine of such an exuberant fruit and balance cannot be reproduced anywhere else.

Wine RegionDão
GrapesMalvasia Fina (30%), Bical (30%), Encruzado (30%), Cerceal Branco (10%)
ClimateContinental with maritime influence
ViticultureSingle cordon Royat and Guyot, 3500 to 4000 plants per hectare, 15 to 25 years old
HarvestHand harvest 2nd and 3rd week of September, 12º potential alcohol
Wine Making TechniqueSkin contact and stainless steel fermentation around 18 to 20 ºC
Oak InfluenceNone
Fining MaterialBentonite
Tasting notesA blend of native varieties producing a characterful wine with fragrant fruit and white flower aromas coming from Malvasia Fina grape, perfectly balanced by spark acidity coming from Bical and remarkable palate created by Encruzado. Delicious with creamy crab dishes, pan-roasted fish and butter sauces.